Why are Blogs Called Blogs anyway?

I've never like that word, "Blog", have you?  It always sounded to me like a reference to verbal vomit - like BLA! - more than anything I would want to read, or write.  So when titling this page I had to go find out how that word ever came into being.  After reading a short, mildly interesting entry on LoveToKnow which explained the origin as "a joke", it made sense to me.  How could anyone make up a word like that and not giggle?

Anyway, that why I'm naming my page what it is - my diary.  I don't expect to change the world with the words here and I do hope that you'll find something to giggle about from time to time.  After all, this is a log of the thoughts that run through my brain, some of them making more sense than others. 

Hope you enjoy the read!

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